Looks like you or one of your relatives and friends suffer from quite a delicate health condition. Premature Ejaculation is one of the most depressing diagnoses for men. It affects you physically and emotionally ruining the intimacy bringing no satisfaction. Priligy is one of the most popular meds successfully used to treat PE faster than you might expect. Initially, this med was created as an antidepressant. The medications itself is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor. In the process of scientific research, pharmacists found out that the product can be incredibly effective for men’s sex problems. Today we’re ready to tell you more about his miraculous treatment.

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It’s a medication designed to help men deal with premature ejaculation. You simply take a pill and in about two hours, you’ll be ready for a long and mutually satisfying sexual intercourse.
- You will have a harder erection;
- You will last longer;
- You’ll get an explosive and very impressive climax.
The pills are released in two dosages: 30mg and 60mg.
What Priligy Used For?
Priligy medication is usually prescribed to men from 18 to 65 years old. It’s a prescription medication only. Nevertheless, you can still order it from the certified online pharmacies. Understand that you have to be examined by a doctor before you may have access to your medication. In case if you order the med online, you’ll have to answer a list of questions and wait for a couple of hours until a specialist studies the information in the questionnaire and finds out more about your health indicators.
The medication will be helpful in case if you:
- Ejaculate in less than a couple of minutes after you start sexual intercourse. It happens with only a little stimulation and you are not able to hold it back.
- Suffer from psychological problems connected with the unstable sexual life or you simply experience a severe depression caused by emotional or professional troubles.
- Cannot control your ejaculation and don’t feel physical pleasure or sufficient satisfaction after the sexual intercourse.
The things mentioned above are generally accompanied by hormonal imbalance, an excessive amount of neurotransmitters in the body, infections, and inflammations of genitalia or urethra.
Important Information
- The med is approved in more than fifty countries as one of the safe treatments for PE.
- Teenagers cannot take Priligy.
- The medication has a relatively short half-life – no more than 20 hours.
- It’s highly important to choose an alternative way to deal with Premature Ejaculation in case if you suffer from heart conditions, psychiatric diagnoses, and regular fainting.
- Priligy should be taken no less than two hours before the sexual intercourse. The limit is one pill a day.
- Don’t split the tablet into halves. A glass of water will be enough to swallow it.
- Dizziness, headaches, and nausea are the most common side effects of Priligy. In case if you suffer from one of these symptoms after taking a pill, try to lie down and have some sleep. In case if your weakness doesn’t go away, you’ll have to call an ambulance.
- If you feel like you’re going to lose consciousness or if you feel sweaty and dizzy, sit down and bend your head to your legs. This should be helpful.
- Never combine the drug with alcohol.
- It’s dangerous and potentially harmful to your health to take Priligy with narcotics and recreational drugs.
How Priligy Works
The basic component in the structure is dapoxetine. It’s an SSRI inhibitor that can control the levels of serotonin. Its activity is increased and your nervous system enables you to have better control of the whole situation. The point is that serotonin works as a sort of transmitter able to deliver important messages all over your nervous system. As soon as your body is able to control its levels again, you get confident in the process.
Are There Any Restrictions? Our Recommendations
Physicians urge men over 65 not to take Priligy without a sufficient preliminary examination.
There are certain restrictions that you should keep in mind if you feel like you really need these pills:
- The med is prohibited for teens under eighteen years old.
- If you suffer from heart problems, Priligy is prohibited as it may affect the working rhythm of your heart muscle.
- Priligy is also not suitable for those who suffer from schizophrenia or other psychiatric conditions.
- An epileptic should not take the drug as well.
- Kidney and liver conditions are also contraindications for Priligy.
- There’s a list of medications that shouldn’t be combined with Priligy. You should study the instruction first.
- Patients with hereditary problems should be careful as well. Consult your physician to find out more about the potential dangers of this med.
There are patients who don’t suffer from severe cases of Premature Ejaculation. They simply need some additional help.
Tell your physician in case if you have:
- Problems with kidneys and liver;
- Epilepsy;
- Bleeding disorders;
- Problems with your eyesight;
- Diarrhea or dehydration.
Priligy Dosages
The basic recommended dose is 30 mg a day. That’s the option for the inexperienced patients or for those, who don’t suffer from severe cases of PE. The lower dose can further be increased up to 60mg. The pill can be taken only once a day. In order to avoid dizziness, drink a sufficient amount of water with the pill. A full glass will be enough. Remember that the tablet shouldn’t be split. Don’t damage the pill – the effectiveness can be spoiled.
Interaction with Alcohol
Alcohol combined with Priligy will make you feel weak and dizzy. You’ll be sleepy and can even lose consciousness.
It is not recommended to drive after taking the pill, because you may feel weak or have blurred vision. As soon as you understand that Priligy does not provoke significant side effects, feel free to drive and work with different machinery.
Unwanted Side Effects
There are:
- Very common side effects;
- Common side effects;
- Uncommon side effects;
- Rare side effects.
Very common side effects are not potentially dangerous and can appear in case if it’s your first experience with a med like this. They include headaches, light dizziness, nausea. Common side effects include anxiety, lack of concentration, problems with vision, tremor, sleepiness, ringing in the ears, sweating, insomnia, flushing, and increased blood pressure. Uncommon side effects include changes in the rhythm of the heartbeat, feeling disoriented and confused, nightmares. Rare side effects include unpredictable desire to sleep and an urgent desire for defecation.
Interaction with the Other Meds
You should discuss the possibility to take Priligy if you’re planning to combine the medication with the current treatment courses that you have. You can do it not only with your physician but with a pharmacist as well. Pharmacists know even more about the ways the drugs interact with each other. The list of these meds is huge and you can easily find this information on the internet.
One of the most dangerous things is to combine this med with any of the Erectile Dysfunction drugs. If you already take Viagra or its generic versions containing Sildenafil as the main ingredient, taking Priligy is prohibited. Treating ED with Priligy is almost always beneficial. The result will certainly positive in case if you follow the instructions and don’t hide away details about your current health. The med itself changes a lot in the intimate and psychological health of men. The thing is that both partners enjoy a treatment like this. Sexual relationship improves together with your emotional connection, and mutuality is slowly getting even deeper. The healthier your intimate life is, the stronger your bond will be.
Bottom Line
Priligy is always in high demand as one of the most effective and accessible PE medications with insignificant after-effects. As soon as you get used to this medication and pick out the most appropriate dosage, you’ll have a magical tool able to help you stay aroused for as long as you want. You’ll get longer and harder erections, pleasant sex sessions with your partner, and enjoyable orgasms.
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Using Mypharmacypro.com entails exposure to textual content that reflects generic data and guidelines to the use of medications. There are also materials dedicated to healthcare, prevention, health conditions and other such. None of these are intended as a substitute to having your health condition attended to at the doctor’s office and receiving individually dispersed instructions as for the application of treatments. Seek medical advice in order to get your therapy appointed and receive individual instructions on how to use pharmaceutical products in your particular case. Our company has no contractual obligations to endorse or promote any products or services. Names of products and companies referred to on this website are subject to copyright of their respective owners.